A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Walton Oak Primary School

Who's Who

Our team of staff is creative, committed and caring. We pride ourselves on delivering the highest standards of teaching to ensure that all our pupils reach their full potential and enjoy their learning.

We value all staff and always encourage a team approach, continuously working together to drive up standards and achieve our vision of becoming outstanding. All of our class teachers are supported by dedicated teaching assistants and both work positively with our pupils to ensure they work calmly and studiously in lessons. 

Senior Leadership Team


Mrs Sian McCarthy

Deputy Headteacher (Acting)

Mrs Lauren Butler

Phase Leader: Early Years Foundation Stage Mrs Debbie Bailey 
Phase Leader: Years 1 & 2 Miss Harriet Code
Phase Leader: Years 3 - 6 Miss Hannah Pollard

Phonics & English Leader

Miss Lois Sandell

Maths Leader Miss Elysia Pott

Inclusion Leader

Miss Rebecca Langley

School Business Leader

Mrs Jenny Boulton

Teaching Team

Class Year Teacher Teaching Assistant
Ladybirds N Mrs D Bailey

Miss C Brazil, Mrs R Pike, Mrs B Arulrajah, Miss L Louder & Miss G Oweida

Butterflies N Mrs D Bailey
Hedgehogs R

Miss L Sandell

Mrs J Butler (trainee teacher)

Miss M Habbin, Mrs A Hamper & Miss M Pollard

Squirrels R Miss E Orton
1A 1 Miss R Ahmed  Mrs Diagilieva, Mrs K McGurdy & Miss R Bessant
1N 1 Mrs N Nash
2C 2 Miss H Code Mrs S Settu, Mrs Y Smith & Miss J Hamper
2S 2 Miss C Sear
3C 3 Miss S Courtenay

Mrs A Tutton, Mrs Maj-Troci & Mrs Collyer

3G 3 Miss L Gobie
4S 4 Miss G Stanbrook Mrs D Sexstone, Mrs  S Murray, Mrs M Byrne & Mrs M Roberts
4C 4 Miss N Camamile
5B 5 Miss M Bayliss Mrs N Kakar & Mrs S Mills
5G 5 Miss E Green
6H 6 Miss H Pollard Miss C Johnson, Mrs C Chung & Mrs V Oliviera
6P 6 Miss E Pott

Non class based staff:

Sports Coach Mr S Amory

Family Support Team

Home School Link Worker

Mrs Natasha Herron-Duke

Pastoral Co-ordinator       Mrs Jane Wallace
ELSA Miss Charlotte Williams

Office Team

School Office Manager Mrs Paula Tiney

School Office Assistant (Finance & Resources)                

Miss Sara Phillips

School Office Assistant (Reception/Communications)

Mrs Denise Dedman

School Office Assistant (Attendance)                   

Mrs Claire Mayhew

Premises Manager                    

Mr Paulo Godhino


Walton Oak Primary School