A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Walton Oak Primary School


A creative curriculum

Our curriculum is:

  • Designed to inspire
  • Broad and balanced
  • Personalised, using innovative approaches to tailor to individual needs
  • Ensures we can monitor pupil performance, regularly celebrating pupil success across the curriculum
  • Complemented by extra-curricular opportunities
  • Ensuring children leave prepared for the move into secondary school + their future success

The aims of our curriculum are:

  • To ensure our pupils are inspired to learn and develop new skills
  • To encourage all pupils to reach and exceed their potential by offering a challenging, stimulating and exciting curriculum
  • To develop the whole child and encourage them to become curious about the world
  • To provide our children with the freedom to be creative and explore new ideas

Teaching and learning

Walton Oak has a higher than average teacher to pupil ratio and, unusually, each class teacher is supported by a full time teaching assistant, which helps us ensure that all children receive the support they need to reach their full potential.

Our pupils are assessed regularly to ensure that their learning remains on track. Formal assessments are carried out four times a year, after which teachers meet, discuss and plan the next units of learning to meet the needs of each child.  Each child also has personalised targets for English and Maths which are updated regularly.

Phonics is taught systematically from Early Years onwards using the Little Wandle Phonics Scheme.

We use a variety of reading schemes, including Little Wandle Letters & Sounds  and Big Cat Collins book band system.  All books are levelled according to Book Bands and children are encouraged to self-select from the band they are working at.


Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage covers Nursery and Reception. Our curriculum challenges children, encouraging them to develop into motivated learners, curious about the world around them. Our children are nurtured in a secure environment, whilst being allowed to explore, enquire and take risks both inside and outside the classroom. Our children make swift progress within a child centred context, and make a smooth transition to Key Stage 1. 

Our Early Years curriculum is based on seven areas of learning. Three prime areas and four specific areas.

We believe that it is fundamental that a child feels comfortable in their learning environment. We, therefore, offer a home visit before the child starts nursery or reception in September. This allows both the child and the parent to meet the teacher in the security of their own home environment.


Key Stages 1 & 2

We offer a broad, exciting curriculum, taught through a topic based approach that makes learning fun and encourages pupils.

Core skills are focused on in English, Maths, Science and ICT, and pupils are given individual targets in English and Maths to ensure they reach their full potential.

Our pupils are taught by motivated, highly qualified teachers whose lessons are designed to make subjects meaningful and relevant to our pupils. Our wide range of facilities and resources enables us to make learning an exciting, dynamic experience.

We aim to ensure that all pupils have equal access to the curriculum.

We believe that all children have the right to equal opportunities in all aspects of school life and we aim to ensure that all pupils have equal access to the curriculum. In Religious Education pupils learn about Christian traditions and beliefs, but also other religions promoting tolerance, understanding and respect for other cultures.

In Key Stage 1, children's development in phonics is supported through delivery of the Little Wandle Phonics Scheme which follows on from Early Years provision.

 Children can access "book-banded" books from Little Wandle Letters & Sounds. 

Through Key Stage 2 we begin to encourage our pupils to become more independent learners. From Year 4, pupils are given secondary school style planners in which to record their work and help them develop organisational skills. We use a blend of mixed ability and ability groups in maths from Year 4 onwards, and in Years 5 and 6, where we use the ‘Success for All’ reading approach, some reading classes are also grouped by ability.

To find out more about our exciting curriculum please contact the school office.

Our compulsory start and end times for the school day are as follows:

Official start time of the compulsory school day 8.50am 8.50am 8.50am
Official end time of the compulsory school day 3.15pm 3.15pm 3.15pm
Total time (hrs) this amounts to in a typical week, including breaks but not after-school activities 32.05 32.05 32.05


Walton Oak Primary School