A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Walton Oak Primary School

The Governing Body

Our local governing body comprises:

Mr James Orbell Trust Appointed Governor / Chair
Miss Becca Langley Staff Governor
Mrs Siân McCarthy Headteacher
Miss Hannah Pollard Staff Governor
Mr Craig Reid Trust Appointed Governor
Mrs Karina Resko Kajelova Parent Governor
Mr Yash Senturk Trust Appointed Governor
Mrs Caroline Smart Parent Governor / Vice Chair
Mr Michel Villemain Trust Appointed Governor

Details of the governors terms of office can be found here Get Information About Schools

Governance Professional - clerktogovernors@lumenlearningtrust.co.uk 

For further information on the Trust Governance Arrangements - please visit the Lumen Learning Trust website by clicking on this link LLT Governance Arrangements

Board of Directors Chair - Jo Roberts

Walton Oak Primary School