Fundraising Links
There are lots of ways that you can raise funds for FOWO and the school without spending a penny! Check out the affiliate fundraising links and codes below, and every time you shop using them, FOWO receives commission from the retailer! You can also play the Elmbridge Lottery to be in with a chance of prizes up to £25,000 and raise money for FOWO. All money raised by FOWO goes back into the school.
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Friends of Walton Oak with easyfundraising? There are over 7,000 brands on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
Just click on the easyfundraising logo and sign up! Download the donation reminder to alert you whenever you shop with an affiliated retailer! There are no catches or hidden charges and FOWO will be really grateful for your donations.
Elmbridge Community Lottery

Enter the weekly draw for just £1 a ticket to be in with a chance of winning prizes up to £25,000. 50% of all ticket sales through the FOWO page go to FOWO, while 10% go to other local causes. To support us, please visit Elmbridge Community Lottery and search for FOWO.
Clothes labels
Buy your Stikins labels here and enter the code 563 at the checkout to receive 30% commission!
You can order your Stamptastic items here to earn commission for FOWO.
Clothing Collections
FOWO normally organises two clothes collections a year - keep an eye on the calendar for dates. In the past we have used Bag2School but suppliers may vary depending on prices paid. Simply bag up any good quality, reusable clothes, bedding, towels etc that are no longer needed and bring the bag(s) in on the collection date. FOWO is paid per kg collected. In 2023-24, we raised £155 from these collections.
Match fundraising
Does your workplace offer match fundraising when you volunteer for a charity? At previous Christmas and Summer fairs, we have doubled the takings of some stalls thanks to volunteers putting their activity forward for match fundraising. Policies vary by company, so check out what your firm offers, but this can be a great way to supercharge event fundraising if you are ever volunteering for FOWO.